Family Strengthening Services at the Family Support Center
6025 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220
The Family Support Center, brings six community programs together under one roof to provide a fully integrated hub for family strengthening services in southwest Brooklyn.
Family Support Services
6025 6th Avenue – Room 205
Brooklyn, NY 11220
The Family Support Services Department is comprised of a team of bilingual social workers and counselors who work with community members to assess need and provide access to a wide range of services both within the center and in the greater community. Services include case management, public benefits screening, access to health care and mental health services, domestic violence intervention, advocacy, information and referral, short-term counseling, crisis intervention, community education workshops, summer camp enrollment for children and support groups. Appointments are made in person or by phone and all services are free of charge and confidential.
Community Empowerment Program
(6025 6th Avenue – Room 218
Brooklyn, NY 11220
The Community Empowerment Program is centered on the belief that all adults deserve access to free, high-quality basic educational services to help them achieve their goals. We offer classes in English for Speakers of Others Languages (ESOL) Basic Education (BE), preparation for the General Educational Development diploma (GED), job readiness classes, job counseling a health careers job-training program. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are held at our main site at the Family Support Center as well as at the Project Reach Youth site on 14th Street. The Community Empowerment Program serves 500 students annually.
AmeriCorps (Sunset Park Community HealthCorps / Community Allies)
6025 6th Avenue – Room 213
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Through AmeriCorps, the domestic Peace Corps, a team of over 50 full- and part-time national service volunteers dedicate themselves to a year of serving residents of Sunset Park and other southwest Brooklyn neighborhoods in placements throughout the Family Health Center programs and partnering agencies. In exchange for their service, members receive extensive training, a living allowance, an educational award, medical insurance and, if eligible, child care. The Community HealthCorps program is a partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the National Association of Community Health Centers. The Community Allies program is a partnership with the New York State Commission for National and Community Service and the Sunset Park Alliance for Youth.
Healthy Connections
6025 6th Avenue – Room 103
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Healthy Connections was founded after the events of Septmeber 11, 2001 to assist individuals and families in coping with issues of trauma, violence, grief, and loss. The program provides individual, group, and family therapy and specializes in working with children and families.
Even Start Family Literacy Partnership
6025 6th Avenue – Room 218
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Even Start is a nationally-recognized family literacy program that engages parents in English classes and parenting workshops, while their pre-school children attend the early childhood education class and encounter literacy in a wide variety of meaningful and enjoyable activities. The program also features Interactive Literacy Experiences both in the center and in participants’ homes, wherein parents are supported in embracing their role as their children’s first teachers.
Reach Out and Read
6025 6th Avenue – Room 213
Brooklyn, NY 11220
The Reach Out and Read program is a pediatric literacy program in which pediatric providers, educators, volunteers, and parents work together to support language and literacy skill development for children ages 6 months to 5 years of age. Children receive a new developmentally appropriate book during each well-child visit to our family health centers. Parents receive educational information about children and literacy. Story-time volunteers read to children in the waiting rooms, helping to create a literacy-rich environment in each health center. Volunteers to this program are always welcome.